
Water Safety Reminders in our Rivers and Lakes

May is National Water Safety Month

By Kim Lisk, Swim with Kim June 7, 2018
Living in the valley is beautiful! We have the Cascade Mountains and the rivers and lakes.

May is National Water Safety Month. This is the time to be aware and be safe around the water. Here are a few safety rules:

To begin with, let me start be saying that everyone should know how to swim. Besides knowing how to swim it is equally important to know what to do in case of an emergency. Do you know what to do if a child or an adult was drowning? Would you just go and jump in after them? Most parent’s and people’s reaction would do just that as our instincts are to do something. Actually, the best way to help someone who may be having a problem is not to jump in after them. Assess the situation. And then utilize something for them to grab on to such as a pole, a leg or arm.  This is called a “reach assist”. But before even reaching that pole or extending your leg out, you must make sure you are safe. You don’t want to end up in the water too only to have you both be in distress. Two drownings are not better than one. Remember, safety comes first. If you feel that it is not safe, then yell for help and call 911.

River Safety: With the hot weather just around the corner many of us will be heading to the river. What do you do if you get caught in a current?  Just relax and go with the current. Be sure not to fight and simply do a back float, feet first downstream, and go with the flow.  It is important to go feet first because you don’t want to hit your head on a rock or tree log as it could knock you out.

What if your child got caught in a current? This is difficult as we all would want to quickly react but as I mentioned earlier that would be a mistake. Be calm and talk to your child and instruct them to get on their back, feet first, and float down the river. Stay calm and your child will not panic. The current will eventually stop and once that happens get your child out of the river. Again, do not jump in after them.

Did you know in the state of Washington there is a law that states that if you are in the river you must wear a life jacket? Yes, there is and it is for all ages. Make sure that life jackets fit properly because if it doesn’t it can be unsafe. If the jacket is too small, it can be uncomfortable making it easier for you to unzip or untie it and as a result may fall off.  Or if it is too big, the straps may get caught on something which can pull you under the water, or it make just slip off depending on how big it is. Be sure to wear a life jacket that fits properly.


Lake Safety:  You’re in a lake, you swim out too far and get tired, what do you do?

Once again, get onto your back into a float and breathe on your back. If you know the elementary back float, which is referred to as a survival stroke, you can do that back to shore. If you get a cramp you can go into your survival float and rub out the cramp. You can also relax in this position and if you need help, then yell as loud as you can for HELP! Most people who drown never yell for help. Drowning is a silent killer because no one yelled, they just slowly went under the water and drowned.

Realize that when you are swimming at the river or lake, no one is looking out for you, but you and your family. Take responsibility and do not ever forget to never leave a child unattended. Not even for a moment. You may think there are a lot of people around and that someone will be watching, but the only person that should be keeping an eye on your child is you. Even if you are in an area where there is a life guard on duty, be sure to watch and pay attention. Keep in mind that a common misconception is that the life guard is there to watch you, but the reality is they are there to watch everyone.


General Water Safety Rules:

1. Never Swim alone

2. Know how to swim

3. Never run around the water

4. Never push anyone into the water

5. Keep your hands to yourself

6. Look before you Leap. Never jump before looking. You don’t want to jump on someone or something

7. Only dive in deep water 8 feet or more

8. No eating in the water don’t have anything in your mouth when swim - you may choke

9. If you’re in trouble yell for “HELP” as loud as you can

10. Never Jump in after someone who needs help, use a reaching assist or call 911

11. Wear a life jacket in the river (all ages)

12. If caught in a current go with it be on your back going feet first

13. Always have FUN when you swim and BE SAFE!