
Make Fun Pancakes for Breakfast

Ideas to change up a basic round pancake

By Jamie Schlechter September 10, 2015
Who says the most important meal of the day needs to be boring? Add a little fun to breakfast by making uniquely-shaped pancakes. Make freehand shapes when pouring the batter in the pan and watch your creations come to life as they cook. Or use a metal cookie cutter to make special shapes – just be sure to grease the edges well!

Flower Power!
Pour batter in a small circle and surround it with several connecting circles for petals. Add whipped cream in the center with chocolate sprinkles on top. Use celery, apple or pear slices for a stem.

Some “Bunny” Loves Breakfast! 
Pour your basic round pancake, but then add two ears on top. Decorate with chocolate chips or raisins for eyes, a berry for the nose and coconut for whiskers.

Are You Ready for Some Football (Pancakes)?
And oblong shaped pancake topped with whipped cream “stitches” makes the perfect fall morning treat.

Un-“Bear”-ably Cute and Delicious!  
Create a teddy bear pancake when you pour a large circle, then two small on each side for ears. Decorate the face or enjoy it with a bear’s favorite topping – honey (or syrup)!