
5 Small Changes That Help Your Home Stay Clean!

By Melinda Larke - Cherry Valley Macaroni Kid Publisher and Editor January 18, 2018

Is your New Year’s Resolution to be a better house keeper? I know it is one of mine! For me, that is a tall order and just thinking about it overwhelms me. I have decided it would be best to start with small changes, master those, and then go from there. Join me as we take back our homes!

1.    Make Your Bed Every Morning – It takes about 2 minutes and makes such a huge impact in the overall appearance of your home. It also makes the room feel organized and put together.
2.    Do The Dishes Everyday – This has to be the hardest for me. I am the queen of, “I will do the dishes in the morning.” I would say about 50% of the time they actually get done in the morning, not to mention I wake up, ready to face the day, and then I walk into the kitchen. Seeing the dishes piled in sink makes me want to go back to bed! Get those dishes done before you go to bed. Not only do you wake up with a beautiful kitchen but you have one less thing to do that day.
3.    Don’t Put It Down, Put It Away – After you are done reading that book, eating those chips, or using that pen put it away in its proper place. Just putting it down where you are at the time not only can make your house messy and cluttered, but it is easier to lose things that way. This is also a great rule to teach your kids!
4.    Sort Your Mail Right After You Get It – As soon as that mail comes into your house, sort it. Throw away the junk, put the bills in their designated area, put any magazines where they can be read, etc. This is will keep your counter from becoming its own mailbox.
5.    Put Away Your Clothes Each Night – As you take them off for the night hang them up or throw them in the laundry basket. Each morning with your PJs as well. Having clothes all over your floor can just make the room feel disorganized and messy. You also lose clothes easily that way as well. I don’t know how many times I have looked for a certain piece of clothing and just couldn’t find it; it is very frustrating!

5 little changes. Many of these will only take you a few minutes each day to complete. Those few minutes will make a big change not only in your home, but will lift your spirits as well. I don’t know about you, but when my home is messy and disorganized my brain feels messy and disorganized. We can do this!